Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Soul: Purification & Transformation

The cards lay strewn on the ground
They say you have to play the cards you’re dealt
The cards were Purification & Transformation
A sense of overwhelming oneness felt

A journey embarked on not too long ago
Robed in purification, encompassing transformation
A reciprocal process and a wide broad path
The change experienced with a cleansing sensation

Few steps had been taken along that path
When a stone was placed on the right hand
Few understood the why including me
But I knew the time had come to take a stand

If you know of a different path
Where nature and man are united and agreed
If you have access to the tools and resources
Should you not tie up your camel and mount your steed?

Do you lead or do you follow?
Many will contend and some may align
Do you rise or do you fall?
Guidance may not always appear on an ensign

It is from within that the flame shines bright
The images are viewed and embraced
Encouraging and inspiring
Change comes with quite a haste

Monday, February 9, 2015

Mind: Creative Valentines 2014

Baha'i inspired Valentines from 2014 -- and no candy!

Mind: Creative Valentines - 2015

Very easy Baha'i Inspired Valentine for Pre-K-3rd Graders

Materials needed:

Template (below)
Foam Shapes - Assorted Colors
Maybe: Pen for writing name

To insert lollipop, fold the foam in half and cut two slits, thread lollipop through -- should be snug. Quote was cut out using fancy scissors and then glued on
Children's names were provided, cut out and glued on. 

For more information regarding the quote -- please visit the online source: Baha'i Daily Quotes


Please feel free to download and use.