Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Soul: Honor Thy Parents

As a parent, you emphatically consider and diligently work on getting your child to listen to you and other adults, to follow directions, to be honest and trustworthy, kind and patient, joyful and friendly... And in return, you praise the child for behaviors that align with your desires.

Before those 4-6yr olds -- who strive to make their parents proud -- grow into 8-12yr olds -- how do we instill in them a sacred responsibility of honoring one's parents?

And better yet, why don't we often consider and work diligently on this aspect? Do we think that the act of listening is sufficient? How would we like our children to demonstrate love and honor for us? Do we unconsciously question whether we are even worthy of the growing child's honor and focus more on honoring and cherishing their pure souls?

From the Baha’i Holy Writings:
The fruits of the tree of existence are trustworthiness, loyalty, truthfulness and purity.  After the recognition of the oneness of the Lord, exalted be He, the most important of all duties is to have due regard for the rights of one’s parents.  This matter hath been mentioned in all the Books of God.
Bahá’u’lláh:  Family Life, p. 385

It is seemly that the servant should, after each prayer, supplicate God to bestow mercy and forgiveness upon his parents.  Thereupon God’s call will be raised:  “Thousand upon thousand of what thou hast asked for thy parents shall be thy recompense!” Blessed is he who remembereth his parents when communing with God.  There is, verily, no God but Him, the Mighty, the Well-Beloved.
Selections From the Writings of the Báb

The son, on the other hand, must show forth the utmost obedience towards his father, and should conduct himself as a humble and a lowly servant.  Day and night he should seek diligently to ensure the comfort and welfare of his loving father and to secure his good-pleasure.  He must forgo his own rest and enjoyment and constantly strive to bring gladness to the hearts of his father and mother, that thereby he may attain the good-pleasure of the Almighty and be graciously aided by the hosts of the unseen.
`Abdu'l-Baha:  Family Life, p. 394

Beware lest ye commit that which would sadden the hearts of your fathers and mothers.  Follow ye the path of Truth which indeed is a straight path.  Should anyone give you a choice between the opportunity to render a service to Me and a service to them, choose ye to serve them, and let such service be a path leading you to Me.  This is My exhortation and command unto thee.  Observe therefore that which thy Lord, the mighty, the Gracious, hath prescribed unto thee. 

O Lord! In this Most Great Dispensation Thou dost accept the intercession of children on behalf of their parents.  This is one of the special, infinite bestowals of this Dispensation.  Therefore, O Thou kind Lord, accept the request of this Thy servant at the threshold of Thy singleness and submerge his father in the ocean of Thy grace.

From the Christian Holy Writings:
Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Honour thy father and mother; which is the first commandment with promise; That it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth. And, ye fathers, provoke not your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord.
 Ephesians 6:1-4

For God commanded, saying, Honour thy father and mother: and, He that curseth father or mother, let him die the death.
Honour thy father and thy mother: and, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Defraud not, Honour thy father and mother.
Matthew 15:4, 19:19, Mark 10:19

From the Jewish Holy Writings:
Honor your father and your mother that your days may be long in the land which the Lord your God gives you.
 Exodus 20.12

There are three partners in man, God, father, and mother.  When a man honors his father and mother, God says,  “I regard it as though I had dwelt among them and they had honored me.”

From the Muslim Holy Writings:

Thy Lord has decreed…that you be kind to parents.  Whether one or both of them attain old age in your lifetime, do not say to them a word of contempt, nor repel them, but address them in terms of honor.  And out of kindness, lower to them the wing of humility, and say, “My Lord! Bestow on them Thy mercy even as they cherished me in childhood.”
 Qur’an 17.23

One Companion asked,  “O Apostle of God! Who is the person worthiest of my consideration?” He replied,  “Your Mother.” He asked again,  “And second to my mother?”  The Prophet said,  “Your mother.”  The companion insisted,  “And then?”  The messenger of God said,  “After your mother, your father.”
Hadith of Bukhari

From the Hindu Holy Writings:
A man has three venerable superiors, his father, his mother, and his spiritual teacher.  By honouring his mother, he gains the present world, by honouring his father, the world of gods, and by paying strict obedience to his spiritual teacher, the world of Brahman.

From the Buddhist Holy Writings:
Supporting one’s father and mother, cherishing wife and children and a peaceful occupation; that is the greatest blessing.
Sutta Nipata 262

Ponder these writings in your heart -- How will you acknowledge and praise children today for honoring, loving, supporting their parents?

Monday, January 9, 2012

Mind: Human Intellect

At last night's Junior Youth Group, the youth were excitedly engaged in discussion about the differences between the minds of humans and other living things. They exercised their own power of intellect to explore whether they think certain living things have intellect and understanding and how these living things exercise their brains/physiological abilities to 'think' and/or make decisions. Like them, I was very curious about this topic and went on to read further. Below is a passage regarding the special properties of humankind's mental faculties followed by my reflections...
Now concerning mental faculties, they are in truth of the inherent properties of the soul, even as the radiation of light is the essential property of the sun. The rays of the sun are renewed but the sun itself is ever the same and unchanged. Consider how the human intellect develops and weakens, and may at times come to naught, whereas the soul changeth not. For the mind to manifest itself, the human body must be whole; and a sound mind cannot be but in a sound body, whereas the soul dependeth not upon the body. It is through the power of the soul that the mind comprehendeth, imagineth and exerteth its influence, whilst the soul is a power that is free. The mind comprehendeth the abstract by the aid of the concrete, but the soul hath limitless manifestations of its own. The mind is circumscribed, the soul limitless. It is by the aid of such senses as those of sight, hearing, taste, smell and touch, that the mind comprehendeth, whereas the soul is free from all agencies. The soul as thou observest, whether it be in sleep or waking, is in motion and ever active. Possibly it may, whilst in a dream, unravel an intricate problem, incapable of solution in the waking state. The mind, moreover, understandeth not whilst the senses have ceased to function, and in the embryonic stage and in early infancy the reasoning power is totally absent, whereas the soul is ever endowed with full strength. In short, the proofs are many that go to show that despite the loss of reason, the power of the soul would still continue to exist. The spirit however possesseth various grades and stations.
As to the existence of spirit in the mineral: it is indubitable that minerals are endowed with a spirit and life according to the requirements of that stage. This unknown secret, too, hath become known unto the materialists who now maintain that all beings are endowed with life, even as He saith in the Qur’án, ‘All things are living’.
In the vegetable world, too, there is the power of growth, and that power of growth is the spirit. In the animal world there is the sense of feeling, but in the human world there is an all-embracing power. In all the preceding stages the power of reason is absent, but the soul existeth and revealeth itself. The sense of feeling understandeth not the soul, whereas the reasoning power of the mind proveth the existence thereof.
In like manner the mind proveth the existence of an unseen Reality that embraceth all beings, and that existeth and revealeth itself in all stages, the essence whereof is beyond the grasp of the mind. Thus the mineral world understandeth neither the nature nor the perfections of the vegetable world; the vegetable world understandeth not the nature of the animal world, neither the animal world the nature of the reality of man that discovereth and embraceth all things.
The animal is the captive of nature and cannot transgress the rules and laws thereof. In man, however, there is a discovering power that transcendeth the world of nature and controlleth and interfereth with the laws thereof. For instance, all minerals, plants and animals are captives of nature. The sun itself with all its majesty is so subservient to nature that it hath no will of its own and cannot deviate a hair’s-breadth from the laws thereof. In like manner all other beings, whether of the mineral, the vegetable or the animal world, cannot deviate from the laws of nature, nay, all are the slaves thereof. Man, however, though in body the captive of nature is yet free in his mind and soul, and hath the mastery over nature.
Consider: according to the law of nature man liveth, moveth and hath his being on earth, yet his soul and mind interfere with the laws thereof, and even as the bird he flieth in the air, saileth speedily upon the seas and as the fish soundeth the deep and discovereth the things therein. Verily this is a grievous defeat inflicted upon the laws of nature.
So is the power of electrical energy: this unruly violent force that cleaveth mountains is yet imprisoned by man within a globe! This is manifestly interfering with the laws of nature. Likewise man discovereth those hidden secrets of nature that in conformity with the laws thereof must remain concealed, and transfereth them from the invisible plane to the visible. This, too, is interfering with the law of nature. In the same manner he discovereth the inherent properties of things that are the secrets of nature. Also he bringeth to light the past events that have been lost to memory, and foreseeth by his power of induction future happenings that are as yet unknown. Furthermore, communication and discovery are limited by the laws of nature to short distances, whereas man, through that inner power of his that discovereth the reality of all things, connecteth the East with the West. This, too, is interfering with the laws of nature. Similarly, according to the law of nature all shadows are fleeting, whereas man fixeth them upon the plate, and this, too, is interference with a law of nature. Ponder and reflect: all sciences, arts, crafts, inventions and discoveries, have been once the secrets of nature and in conformity with the laws thereof must remain hidden; yet man through his discovering power interfereth with the laws of nature and transfereth these hidden secrets from the invisible to the visible plane. This again is interfering with the laws of nature.
In fine, that inner faculty in man, unseen of the eye, wresteth the sword from the hands of nature, and giveth it a grievous blow. All other beings, however great, are bereft of such perfections. Man hath the powers of will and understanding, but nature hath them not. Nature is constrained, man is free. Nature is bereft of understanding, man understandeth. Nature is unaware of past events, but man is aware of them. Nature forecasteth not the future; man by his discerning power seeth that which is to come. Nature hath no consciousness of itself, man knoweth about all things.
Should any one suppose that man is but a part of the world of nature, and he being endowed with these perfections, these being but manifestations of the world of nature, and thus nature is the originator of these perfections and is not deprived therefrom, to him we make reply and say: the part dependeth upon the whole; the part cannot possess perfections whereof the whole is deprived.
By nature is meant those inherent properties and necessary relations derived from the realities of things. And these realities of things, though in the utmost diversity, are yet intimately connected one with the other. For these diverse realities an all-unifying agency is needed that shall link them all one to the other. For instance, the various organs and members, the parts and elements, that constitute the body of man, though at variance, are yet all connected one with the other by that all-unifying agency known as the human soul, that causeth them to function in perfect harmony and with absolute regularity, thus making the continuation of life possible. The human body, however, is utterly unconscious of that all-unifying agency, and yet acteth with regularity and dischargeth its functions according to its will. ('Abdu'l-Bahá's Tablet to Dr. Forel)
I walk. I talk.
I can walk that which I talk.
I think. I am.
I can think about what I am.
I breathe. I live.
I can understand that the breathing keeps me living.
I take. I give.
I can decide to take nothing and embrace the joy of giving
I see. I smile.
I enjoy things for more than a short while
I remember. I relate.
I analyze my past, my future, and possibility of fate.
I believe. I dream.
I can tell the difference between a river and a stream.
I look. I see.
I look and see that mankind is one large family.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Body: Stress


Increases the heart rate
Intensifies the heart beat
Applies pressure
Drives one to action
Provides a boost of energy
Tones composure
Trains strength
Builds resilience
Asserts caution
Lets adrenaline flow
Releases endorphins
Excites the mind

Experiencing situations of eustress* in your life -- the good stress -- helps you to prepare for handling situations of distress -- the bad stress.

I resolve to embrace STRESS.


*Eustress is a term coined by endocrinologist Hans Selye -- look it up.