"Do not be content with showing friendship in words alone, let your heart burn with loving kindness for all who may cross your path.” Abdu'l-Baha - Paris Talks.
Easy enough for a 4-6yr old to make themselves with limited help.
-Print quote hearts onto pink card stock
-Cut 2-3" squares of tissue paper (orange and yellow) with a slight cut in middle
-Slide dum dum lollipop through yellow and then orange tissue paper squares for flame.
-Foam star (or you could use different shapes) -- place two horizontal cuts in middle and about half inch vertically between for the dum dum lollipop to slide through.
-Glue heart quote on the half inch space that lollipop went through/behind.
-Write or glue a to/from on back or front.
And... Voila!