Monday, September 12, 2011

Soul: Unity in Diversity & Amidst Calamity

A nation
Under God
In His pod

Within diversity
Unity is attainable
In times of calamity
It is indispensable

Unto a family in their home
People within this diverse society
Whether in a steeple or under a dome
Gather seeking prayer and piety

They look upon each others faces
With joy and love, dispelling His light
Originating from varying places
Witnessing the same wisdom and might

He gave us the necessary adhesive
And it’s taking us a while to learn how to apply
He sent down tools which you can buy or lease if
You express gratitude for the wings which he gave you to fly.


This little light of mine,
Please, Lord, let her shine
This little light of mine!

She looks upon with a gaze
Which pierced the photo
And rid it from any haze

Within those eyes, one can see
The cogs a-turnin
A mind of deep curiosity

With that gaze, She views a world of turmoil and pain
She takes in that which surrounds her
Through the haze, she sees only sunshine and rain

She sees light at the end of every tunnel
Can connect the dots and view the larger picture
She refuses to look through only a narrow funnel

This little light of Thine
Please, Lord, let her shine
This little light of Thine!


  1. What a beautiful picture. Is this your daughter? I really like this post.

  2. Thank you -- the photo is compliments of MPR photographer, Jeffrey Thompson.

  3. Were you at a temple? I noticed everyone was barefoot.
