Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Healthy Habits - Day 1

When exploring health and wellness, establishing habits is half the battle -- especially replacing unhealthy habits with those which you know are healthy. It takes a certain amount of faith that so long as I commit myself to these habits and repeat daily, in no time these habits will take hold and be part of regular daily life.

Day 1

  • Morning: 5 Sets of 10 Sit-Ups w/ 5 Sets of 10 Push-Ups
  • Afternoon: Ran the 5K on the treadmill in under 30 mins + Inner/Outer Thigh Machines
  • Evening: 5 Sets of 10 Sit-Ups w/ 5 Sets of 10 Push-Ups
  • Morning: Stand-Up Desk
  • Afternoon: Set-Up My Computer Outside -- Worked in the Fresh Air!
  • Evening: 5-Minute Meditation
  • Daily Readings: Sacrifice
"Until a being setteth his foot in the plane of sacrifice, he is bereft of every favour and grace; and this plane of sacrifice is the realm of dying to the self, that the radiance of the living God may then shine forth. The martyr's field is the place of detachment from self, that the anthems of eternity may be upraised. Do all ye can to become wholly weary of self, and bind yourselves to that Countenance of Splendours; and once ye have reached such heights of servitude, ye will find, gathered within your shadow, all created things. This is boundless grace; this is the highest sovereignty; this is the life that dieth not." -- Abdu'l-Bahá

"In order to understand the reality of sacrifice let us consider the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ. It is true that He sacrificed Himself for our sake. What is the meaning of this? ...Nevertheless, that Holy Soul accepted calamity and death in His love for mankind. This is one of the meanings of sacrifice... For the soul which acquires divine perfections and seeks heavenly illumination from the teachings of Christ will undoubtedly live eternally. This is also one of the mysteries of sacrifice... As to the third meaning of sacrifice, it is this: If you plant a seed in the ground, a tree will become manifest from that seed. The seed sacrifices itself to the tree that will come from it... As to the fourth significance of sacrifice: It is the principle that a reality sacrifices its own characteristics. Man must sever himself from the influences of the world of matter, from the world of nature and its laws; for the material world is the world of corruption and death... On the other hand, man must acquire heavenly qualities and attain divine attributes. He must become the image and likeness of God... Every man trained through the teachings of God and illumined by the light of His guidance, who becomes a believer in God and His signs and is enkindled with the fire of the love of God, sacrifices the imperfections of nature for the sake of divine perfections." -- Abdu'l-Bahá (For Full Article: http://reference.bahai.org/en/t/ab/PUP/pup-132.html)
Food Log
  • Breakfast: Gluten Free Pancakes
  • Snack: Angie's Salted Caramel Kettle Corn
  • Lunch: Spinach Salad w/ Strawberries & Feta Cheese
  • Snack: Dark Chocolate w/ Toffee
  • Dinner: Nachos
Tomorrow, I commit myself to another 100 Push-Ups and Sit-Ups and 5-Minutes of Meditation. I commit myself to joy, detachment, self-confidence, and compassion.

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