Saturday, November 19, 2011

Mind: First Fall of Snow

Today is the first fall of snow -- this year
One year...and one week ago.
Twas indeed the first fall of snow -- last year

Child deep in slumber, quiet and serene
On a Saturday afternoon in the month of November
Twas indeed me that sat down to her screen

She unlocked the portal to a chat room
And began to explore
Twas several names, but his that did loom

We began with a few words at a time
Not for long, however
Twas fast sentences like a childhood rhyme

She glanced out of the window at the snow
As it fell to the ground
Twas winter preparing the seed to grow

A sweet journey had begun to unfold
Little did we know at that time
Twas a story uniting young with old**

This memory spurs happiness and thought
Along with gratitude, praise, and thanksgiving
Twas God's grace by which this adventure hath been wrought

I sit here, a similar afternoon
With a flame of love dancing in my heart
Twas that spark - the note that started our tune

I glance out of the same window today
Recounting the memories of this past year
Twas a year of much more joy than dismay

Let the seed to grow and the snow to fall
Let the singer keep singing, and the notes keep dancing
Twas God whom heard and the shots he will call

**I'm going to get in trouble for that line :)

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